The Dream (The Bed), 1940 - by Frida Kahlo

Unlike in many other countries in the world, in Mexico, death is not something to be mourned but celebrated with the dead with the "Day of the Dead" festival. It may sound weird for some people but in Mexican, death, and life are intricately tied together.
In this painting, Dream of The Bed, painted in the year of 1940, Frida expressed her feeling and interception of death. In real life, Frida has a skeleton on the canopy of her bed. Her husband, Diego Rivera called the Juda Frida's lover but Frida said it's just an amusing reminder of people's mortality. In this painting, both Frida and the skeleton are lying on the bed on their sides with their heads two pillows. While Frida is in a sound sleep, the skeleton is awake and watching. The skeleton is also wired with explosives that can go off and explode at any time. On Frida's body, green plants are a symbol of life and rebirth. The background clouds are light and airy and it seems the bed is floating in the sky.