Portrait of Cristina, My Sister, 1828 - by Frida Kahlo

Portrait of Cristina, My Sister, 1828 - by Frida Kahlo
Portrait of Cristina, My Sister, 1828 - by Frida Kahlo

This portrait depicted Frida's younger sister, Cristina. In this painting, she still used the "Renaissance" style but already reflects the stylistic and thematic influence from Diego Rivera. In this painting, the background has a small tree with contrast to the large branches in the front to create a sense of space and depth. Frida used to use dark colors as a result of the influence of Renaissance style with her previous portraits. But this painting presents a sharp contrast. Frida also painted on the part the frame to expand the portrait.

Cristina was the second person in Frida's family to be painted. One year earlier, she painted Adriana, her older sister.

In 1988, this painting was sold at Sotheby's sale for $198,000. In 2001 it sold for $1,655,750